Kingsdown Quarry or Swan Mine

This mine is in the same hill as Brown's Folly but on the other side. It is a relatively small mine but it is still possible to get lost. If the road is followed up from Bathford towards Kingsdown the Swan pub is passed on the left hand side. Directly opposite the pub is Kingsdown Quarry, the main entrance facing the pub behind the trees. This entrance has been blocked but one at the rear is still open. A lot of crawling is involved to enter here. Once inside the roof recedes slightly but some navigation is required in order to find the main passage. Following this passage to the left brings you to the main entrance. Daylight can be seen through the barrier but the way on is behind you, up the passage and deeper into the hill. Following this passage past one or two roof falls a junction will be met. Several more junctions will be found further on. All the passages are dead ends but are all worth exploring. At the limit of one passage there is a very good example of a crane with a crushed one nearby. Use the rule that if a choice is available then always take the left hand turning. This will ensure that you will eventually come back to the junction where you started. As you follow the passages notice the floor. No rails were laid in this mine, horses and carts were used instead. The wheels of the carts form deep grooves in the floor especially on the corners where the outer wheel cut deeper than the inner one. This camber must have proved very difficult for the horses and carts.

Further up the hill from the entrances is another small hole in the stone face, this is another mine but very small indeed. It might have connected to the main part of Kingsdown once as it is so close but there is no way through now.

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